Quantum computers have incomparable ability of computation over classical computers. The spins of electrons and nuclei are the natural quantum bits which are the basic building blocks of quantum computers. Our laboratory study the performance of quantum computation and quantum simulation in spin based quantum computers in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR) systems, which are ensembles of spins. We also investigate single spin quantum computation and simulation, which are performed in color center in diamonds.
日期:19 瀏覽:20942
日期:19 瀏覽:20893
日期:19 瀏覽:18444
版權(quán)所有:啟邁科技-合肥網(wǎng)站建設(shè) 皖I(lǐng)CP備19009304號-1 皖公網(wǎng)安備 34010402702162號